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Writer's pictureNora Lyons

Dopamine Menu

Recently I have been feeling unaccomplished in my day because there’s simply just not enough time to get done everything that I want to do. Life in college moves so fast, and there is always something on the to-do list. This makes the things that bring me happiness feel unproductive, or like I’m wasting time when I could be doing work. Because of this, I have stopped prioritizing things that bring me happiness like going to the gym, and instead doing what feels more important. However, I came across something called a dopamine menu. A dopamine menu is a list of things you can do to feel good throughout your day and bring yourself joy. I’ve started a new goal to do at least three of these things in a day, and prioritize them just as much as what might seem stereotypically more “productive.” What’s truly most important is prioritizing your happiness, and I think by aiming to do three of these things in a day I can feel more accomplished. If starting my morning by going to the gym will put me in a better mood for the rest of the day, then choosing that over an assignment is worth it. I encourage everyone to create a list in their notes of their dopamine menu, and when you feel like doing something that brings you happiness is a waste of time, think back to that list and remember whatever makes you feel the best is the most productive thing.

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