The best way I can boost my mental health is by staying busy. This doesn't mean being busy due to studying or work, but instead by choice. Fill your day with things and people you love.
I wondered for a while why my everyday life felt so unfulfilling. It was as if time was moving, but I was not moving with it. I finally realized it was due to the routine I was stuck in, and that my days were filled with mundane tasks.
Step 1: Wake up and get ready. (waking up was often the biggest challenge)
Step 2: Go to class.
Step 3: Lay in bed after class.
Step 4: Do homework.
Step 5: Lay in bed some more and eventually go to bed.
I only did the bare minimum, and lacked human interaction with the people that brought me joy. It was nothing on them, rather just that it felt easy to lay in bed. I thought what would bring me the most peace was time by myself and Netflix, however, these moments are actually what brought me the most sadness. Even though it felt dreadful to go to the gym or get out of bed and walk to dinner at my sorority house, after doing so I felt happy.
Since creating this blog I have made a conscious effort to fill each day with something different, and interact with someone I wouldn't normally see and it has made the BIGGEST difference. Getting out of bed has become physically easier because mentally I have been excited to start the day. If you have been feeling this way, these are the tips I have learned from the past week.
Tip #1- Find a hobby that you truly love.
This is the thing I have found most useful. Having something to do that brings you joy and creates a sense of excitement is imperative. For me, this is running outside. I had always thought running was not for me when I would attempt to do it on a treadmill. I thought I lacked endurance, and would always get bored staring at the same gym while only my feet were moving. However, one night a friend suggested we run outside and I decided to do it even if I may not be able to keep up. I was nervous to do something that I may be bad at, but in leaving my comfort zone I found something I truly loved, and realized my endurance wasn't all that bad! I ran two miles that day non-stop, and the next day I did three. While running may not be the hobby for you, I encourage everyone to push themselves to find a hobby that brings you joy, and doing so will make all the difference. Some other hobbies I have started are working as a social media intern, playing intramural soccer, investing in self-care, going to the gym, and starting this blog!
Tip #2- Make time for everyone you care about, and foster new relationships.
Going the week without seeing everyone I care about at least once made me feel very disconnected. The thing that brings me the most joy is the people in my life, and keeping up with what goes on in their lives is essential. It may seem hard to make the effort at times, but when feeling down, I know that seeing someone I love can easily pull me out of a funk. Fostering new relationships and connecting with people I don't normally see also makes life feel very fulfilling. It's interesting to hear new perspectives, and connect on a deeper level with people. Essentially, make every week something different whether that's through activities or the people you spend time with.
Tip #3- End the week with something exciting.
Create something to look forward to for the end of the week. I pushed myself physically Sunday-Wednesday and allowed Thursday and Friday to purely be a break that only improved my mental health. I let go of outside worries and skipped my first class to tan on the quad with Sam. Doing so made me feel rejuvenated and made going to my other two classes that day much easier. After that, I got to see my two best friends from home. I focused on nothing other than their company and had the best time. While I'm not saying to neglect class, homework, or fitness, it is ok to take a break. Doing so makes it a lot easier to jump back into productive tasks for the following week. Give yourself time to get things done, as well as relax. It is not about being your most productive self every day, but instead having a balance.
Implementing just these three tips made such a difference in my everyday life in only one week. While they may not all work for you, experiment and find versions of them that work best. The most important thing is that you feel happy and healthy, so just focus on you!